Wenzel Family Plaza Water Feature Remains Closed

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No Events at the Plaza in June

Marshfield, WI (OnFocus) The water feature at Wenzel Family Plaza will remain closed until further notice.

“We hope to bring this feature back soon,” the Plaza stated on its Facebook page. “An announcement will be made on this page when it’s up and running.”

The water feature is a favorite fixture at the park, attracting families to cool off in the summer. The Plaza first opened to the public in summer 2018.

There will also be no events at the Plaza in June. The Plaza is working closely with the Parks and Recreation Department to follow any protocols put in place for city parks during COVID-19 and determine when to open up the water feature.

“We’re hopeful that we’ll be able to start events again,” said Nicki Ryner, Plaza Coordinator. “There will be protocol put in place for social distancing, but we really want to make sure we are being safe and the community is our first priority.”

The Common Council will vote on re-opening plans for city buildings and facilities at its Tuesday meeting, which will determine how the Plaza’s approach for mass gatherings. More information on summer events will be updated to the Plaza’s Facebook page.


News Desk
Author: News Desk

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