Wesley United Methodist Church Expanding Property for Rebuilding Process

The Wesley United Methodist Church congregation is taking steps toward rebuilding after a devastating fire destroyed its church building on September 2, 2018.

Plan Commission Approves Rezoning Request

Marshfield, WI (OnFocus) The City Plan Commission this week approved a request by the Wesley United Methodist Church to rezone a neighboring property at 209 S. Maple Ave. as part of the church’s rebuilding plans.

The church building was destroyed in a fire early last September and since then, the church has taken steps toward rebuilding on the same location.

The Maple Ave. property is in the process of being sold to the church, which is located at 205 E. 3rd Street. Last December, its lot was rezoned from a residential to a mixed-use zoning district to allow the church to construct a building closer to the front property line.

In order to combine the two properties for additional flexibility in rebuilding the church, 209 S. Maple Ave. also needed to be rezoned to a mixed-use. Currently, a house dating to 1888 sits on the property and would be demolished. The Wesley United congregation had occupied the corner of Third Street and Maple Avenue since 1886 and dedicated its red brick building in 1922.

Absent member Bill Penker approved of the step in comments submitted to the Plan Commission.

“Though the request is undoubtedly driven by tragedy, the project at this location is the first urban renewal project to the east of Central Ave. since the construction of the library,” he stated. “This project and the library project are the only urban renewal projects in this area since the construction of Veterans Parkway. The congregation must be recognized for its efforts.”

The request passed unanimously and will go before the Common Council.

City Approves Rezoning Wesley United Methodist Church Property for Rebuilding Process

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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