Wesley United Methodist Church to Hold Groundbreaking for New Building

Boson Co.

Groundbreaking Ceremony to Take Place Sept. 8

Marshfield, WI (OnFocus) Wesley United Methodist Church is taking its next steps toward the rebuilding process. The church building was destroyed in an accidental blaze on September 2, 2018.

Wesley UMC is proposing a 13,378 square foot facility on its lot at 205 E. 3rd St. and an adjacent lot which it’s moving to purchase at 209 S. Maple Ave. Designs include 2,800 square feet of worship space, 2,300 square feet of fellowship space, and 7,600 square feet divided up for Sunday School classrooms, administrative offices, and other areas. The Marshfield Area Respite Center will resume its location at Wesley UMC once completed.

The new church building will keep familiar design elements to the previous building, primarily with the use of red brick.

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The congregation needed to secure approval by the City of Marshfield and the United Methodist Church district and Wisconsin conference to move forward, said Rev. Lourdes Magalhães.

At its Tuesday meeting, the Zoning Board of Appeals approved a variance that would allow the church to build closer to the east property line than what the zoning regulation allows. The required rear yard setback is 20 feet, while the proposed building is 11 feet from the property line.

The 209 S. Maple Ave. lot was added to the church property.

Additionally, the Common Council approved the rezoning of the property at 209 S. Maple Ave. to Downtown Mixed Use. According to a City memo, the home on the property dates to 1888 and will be demolished. Wesley UMC offered the structure to the Marshfield Fire & Rescue Department for use in training exercises.

Wesley UMC will hold a remembrance service and groundbreaking ceremony for the new church at 3 p.m. on Sept. 8 at 205 E. 3rd Street in Marshfield. All are welcome to attend.

Boson Co.


Boson Co.

Wesley United Congregation Regroups After Fire Destroys Church


News Desk
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