What to do After You Hit a Deer in Wisconsin

what to do if you hit a deer in wisconsin
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Explaining Insurance and Deer Accidents

For Wisconsinites, it’s usually not “if” you’ll hit a deer… it’s “when.” That’s why it’s important to know what to do if you hit a deer.

According to the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, last year in Wisconsin, there were 18,414 reported deer/vehicle crashes that resulted in injuries to 556 motorists and nine fatalities (six were motorcyclists). Counties with higher traffic volumes and deer populations tend to record the most crashes.

Marshfield Insurance Claims Manager Ryan Horswill has seen his fair share of insurance claims related to deer accidents, and is here to help with this unfortunate right of passage for Wisconsin drivers.

Here’s what to know about insurance after you hit a deer:

“The first thing you should do is contact the police,” said Horswill. “They will decide if they need to send a unit to your location or simply tell you to go on your way.”

Next, Horswill said it’s important to call your insurance agent and inform them of the accident.

“Finally, get an estimate from your preferred body shop and ask them to send it, along with any pictures they take, to your agent,” he said.

Steps to Take After You Hit A Deer:

  1. Call the police
  2. Call your insurance agent
  3. Call a body shop for an estimate and ask them to send estimate and photos to your insurance agent

“It’s never fun to hit a deer, but it is one of our most common claims,” said Horswill. “We encourage you to reach out if you need help!”

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News Desk
Author: News Desk

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