What to Know About Cybersecurity: Two Central WI Business Members Share

cybersecurity podcast episode
Arnoldy and Murphy

MARSHFIELD, WI (OnFocus) – Cybersecurity is a growing issue nationwide, and right here in Central Wisconsin, too. Spam calls, emails, and text messages are on the rise and it’s sometimes hard to know what’s real and what isn’t.

In the latest episode of MMCCU’s “The Credit You Deserve” podcast, President David Murphy leads a discussion on cybersecurity with special guest Nick Arnoldy, President/CEO at Marshfield Insurance.

“It’s a topic very relevant right now and one that isn’t going away any time soon,” said Murphy. “Our goal is to help protect people from these cyberattacks and keep their personal information safe.”


The episode covers Cybersecurity and what it means for you, your personal information, and your business:

  • Introduction of Cybersecurity – what is it?
  • How it’s becoming more and more relevant/why you need to pay attention to this subject
  • What they are both seeing in their respective industries
  • What individuals and businesses can do to protect themselves

Arnoldy shares how cybersecurity insurance works and why it’s needed to protect your PII (Personal Identifiable Information) like Date of Birth, Social Security Number, Biometrics, Driver’s License, and payment information like checking/routing numbers.


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