What to Know About Insuring Your Teenage Driver


Submitted by Marshfield Insurance

If your teenager is about to get their driver’s license, it’s a good time to call your Marshfield Insurance representative.

“When a student starts drivers education at 15 and a half, they don’t have to be added to their parents’ policy. They are automatically covered while they have their temps,” said Tammi Schug, Personal Lines Customer Service Agent. “The policy does change once the student passes the test and is licensed. At that point the parent/guardian must call us to add them to their auto policy as a rated driver.”

Some companies offer special rates for teen drivers, called the “Good Student Discount” if they have a 3.0 cumulative GPA or better.

“We would need a copy of the teen’s most recent report card to have on file and also to send to the insurance company,” said Schug. “This also applies to college students, so keep encouraging your student driver to keep up the good grades through college.”

Parents can add their student to the policy by emailing or calling their agent, stopping into Marshfield Insurance Agency, or going online. When adding a new driver to the policy make sure to have their date of birth and driver’s license number.

Marshfield Insurance is educated and eager to help parents and students find the best rate.

“We have a wide variety of companies that we write with. We will work to find the best possible rate for you when adding on a teen driver to your policy,” said Schug. “We are here for you to serve your needs.”

Though having a student driver can be stressful, Marshfield Insurance is there to help. Schug especially encourages parents to talk with their teen about texting and driving.

“We see high rates due to texting and driving, so please take the time to have conversations with your teen about how important it is to not text and drive,” she said. “Focus on the road — messages can wait!”

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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