Wheelers Sponsors EVsafe Program for Local Firefighters

ev safety firefighter training
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MERRILL, WI (OnFocus) – On April 20th, the Merrill Fire Department hosted EVsafe, a training company specializing in electric vehicle (EV) safety. The training was centered on first responder preparedness for possible electric vehicle hazards, extrication, and fire. Training was conducted in two independent sessions that day. The morning session lasted 4 hours and had approximately 50 people in attendance. Those attending included local firefighters and EMS personnel, as well as law enforcement officers, tow operators, and vehicle mechanics and technicians. The evening session was 2 hours long and had around 30 persons in attendance.

While EV cars are not prevalent yet in north-central Wisconsin, there are still plenty of these cars on the road especially the highways that travel through our area. Mainstream media, the Internet, and social media platforms have created a negative perception of electric vehicles and their safety. The training gave all in attendance factual information on EVs and best practices for use in the field when the need arises.

Specialty training like this is not free. The total cost of the course was over $3,500; however, responders did not have to pay anything. Fortunately, KB Body Shop and Wheelers Chevrolet of Merrill sponsored the full cost of the course. Additionally, Rod’s Towing provided a catered lunch for responders after the morning session. “We are very appreciative of our sponsors for this training. Without them, we could not provide this important information to our area responders,” said Fire Chief Josh Klug.

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