Wheeler’s Stages Patriotic Tribute for July 4th


MARSHFIELD, WI (OnFocus) – Wheeler’s Family Auto Group made a creative splash by posting a red, white, and blue car- themed commercial to their social for 4th of July.

The family business wanted to show their thanks to military families and build awareness for their military discount (more info: https://www.chevroletgmcmarshfield.com/chevroletspecialoffers/)

Local drone photographer Branden Bodendorfer and Brett Butler from TriMedia compiled a video reel of the display.

“I really love the creativity that comes from doing things like this, the motivation comes from within, knowing the sacrifices that were made so we could celebrate this day,” said Bodendorfer.

Wheelers thanks those that have served and especially those that have made the ultimate sacrifice for our nation.

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News Desk
Author: News Desk

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