Where to Safely Dispose Your Old Medications


At-Home Disposal Methods for Medications

OnFocus – Spring cleaning is just around the corner. Millions of unused or expired medications sit in homes collecting dust. As you clean, keep in mind that unused or expired medication should never be flushed or poured down the drain. This can cause contamination and pollution in the groundwater.

Approaches for safely disposing of medications can include at-home, convenient disposal methods. These methods are aimed to aid those that may be home-bound or simply cannot make it to a permanent disposal site or take back event.

In an effort to eliminate unsafe disposal methods, Verde Technologies offers a safe at-home disposal deactivation unit called Deterra. Deterra safely deactivates medication by diluting the drugs in activated carbon by adding water. Deterra deactivation units are safe for the environment and can be disposed of with other household trash.

Walmart pharmacies aim to combat medication misuse by offering DisposeRx with every opioid prescription. DisposeRx is a safe way to dispose of medications by simply mixing the DisposeRx and water in the medication container. The combination of all three ingredients will form a gel that is safe for the environment and can be thrown away with other household trash.


Marshfield Area Coalition for Youth (MACY) is helping make Marshfield the best place to live and raise a family. MACY’s Drug Task Force is striving to reduce and prevent prescription drug abuse and heroin use. MACY is supported by Marshfield Clinic Health System Center for Community Outreach and more than 200 members representing over 35 organizations in Marshfield.

Ask Marshfield Police Department:

Question: Where else can I dispose my unused or expired medication?

Bring medication to one of three sites:
• Marshfield Police Department lobby
• Marshfield Clinic Marshfield Center, 1st floor pharmacy
• Marshfield Clinic Health System Central Avenue pharmacy

For a list of accepted items please visit: Marshfield4youth.org/macy-materials/

You can also participate in the upcoming Wisconsin Department of Justice/Drug Enforcement Administration’s National Drug Take Back Day. Join us 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, April 28, at Shopko to safely dispose of your medication.

Schedule a MACY Drug Task Force presentation or submit “Ask Marshfield Police Department” questions to Marshfield Clinic Health System Center for Community Outreach at 715-221-8400 or email cco@marshfieldclinic.org.


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News Desk
Author: News Desk
