Why We Cover and Stream Local Sports

Sports OnFocus' ReAnna Oestreich and Steven Okonek

OnFocus – As we enter another season of local sports streaming this fall, there is definitely some differences compared to previous years. Though the season might look a bit different due to COVID, OnFocus’ commitment to covering local athletes remains.

“Streaming local sports is something I personally love to do,” said Steven Okonek, Sports OnFocus Editor. “Sports brings together local communities in such a special way and it’s fun to be a part of that camaraderie. It is amazing to interact with the fans of each of the 15 schools we cover.”

More than just sports, OnFocus is proud to also offer current news, event information, and community updates. Fortunately, though, there will be some local sports to cover this year.

“I’m so glad we are able to do sports in some capacity this year, even amidst a pandemic.” said Okonek, “Many people who are used to sitting in the stands will be unable to this year. I, along with our team, look forward to giving those fans the best access we can to the teams and players they love to follow.”

As a small local business, OnFocus has had its own challenges amidst the pandemic, but is happy to have weathered the storm and be back for more sports this season. Okonek added that it is local businesses that help make the live broadcasts possible every year.

“We couldn’t do what we do without our local sponsors, so when you see their banner ad up on the screen, be sure to make a mental note to patronize their business and thank them,” said Okonek. “We love giving visibility to these local businesses and appreciate their commitment to local athletes, coaches, and teams!”

New this year, OnFocus Sports has a designated sports writer, David Keech, dedicated to covering sports throughout Central Wisconsin, and beyond. There are also new members of the streaming team joining OnFocus, so be sure to say “hi” next time you see them at a game!

Tune into local sports coverage at OnFocus.news/sports.

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News Desk
Author: News Desk

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