WIAA Announces Safety Guidelines for Tennis





Tennis Balls

  • A recent study determined that the surface of tennis balls unlikely harbor SARS-CoV-2 in a manner that is compatible with risk of developing COVID-19 from the ball during normal play. The International Tennis Federation (ITF) Sport Science and Medicine

Commission, the USTA Sport Science Committee, and the USTA Medical Advisory Group support this conclusion. Consequently, there is no further need for tennis balls to be distributed to players with different numbered tennis balls.


  • Masks must be worn according to the governor’s mandate upon arrival to the venue and until the official warm-ups have started or a player is competing.
  • Masks must be appropriately worn at all times, particularly when moving or unable to socially distance.

o Coaches and officials must wear masks indoors and outdoors.

o Spectators must wear masks indoors and outdoors.

Court and Other Equipment

  • Players should use their own equipment and tennis balls. Players should not use or touch other players’ equipment or tennis balls.
  • Gloves may be worn by athletes if desired.

Other Hygiene Considerations

  • There should be no shared athletic equipment. Any equipment that is used should be cleaned and disinfected prior to and immediately following the meet. Be responsible for your own supplies.
  • Athletes, coaches, and officials are encouraged to provide their own hand sanitizer (at least 60% alcohol) and/or sanitizing wipes and use frequently.
  • Emphasize to avoid touching the face throughout practice and competition.
  • Spitting/Nose Clearing/Coughing – All athletes and coaches are prohibited from spitting/nose clearing and must cover coughs.
  • Athletes, coaches and staff should avoid touching doors, gates, fences, benches or other schools’ equipment.

General Reminders for Athletes

  • Personal Items – It is recommended that each athlete bring their own gym bag for personal items. Gym bags should be placed in a predetermined area 6 feet apart for the duration of the event. No shared clothing/shoes.
  • Athletes are encouraged to provide their own hand sanitizer (at least 60% alcohol) and use frequently.
  • Water bottle – All athletes shall bring their own water bottle. Water bottles must not be shared.
  • Tell coaches immediately when you are not feeling well.


WIAA Event Accountability

  • A tracing sheet and verification form shall be kept of all individuals traveling with the team to the contest verifying that the traveling party has been prescreened that day, before departure.
  • When departing for the contest, coaches take their tracing sheet and verification form, signed by the coach athletic director, acknowledging the tracing sheet’s accuracy. If a coach cannot, or does not produce the tracing sheet when verification is requested, it shall be reported to the WIAA office by the opposing coach.

Competition Structure

  • Consider scheduling adjustments to reduce the number of events, duration and/or participants present.
  • All personnel and spectators should follow social distancing guidelines.
  • Follow USTA Guidelines: https://www.usta.com/en/home/stay-current/national/usta-statement-on-safety-of-playing-tennisduring-the-covid-19-v.html.

Courts and Sidelines

  • Allow only essential personnel around the tennis courts. These are defined as players, coaches, medical personnel/athletic trainers, and officials. Strongly encourage facial coverings for athletes not actively participating.
  • All others, (i.e., managers, photographers, media, etc.) are considered non-essential personnel and are to be in the gallery or remaining outside the court area (behind the fence). Personnel must maintain social distancing guidelines and encouraged to

wear masks.

  • Consider using every other court.
  • Consider having nine players with one coach on a bank of four courts.
  • Consider staggered practices to limit the number of participants.
  • Remain apart when taking a break and maintain social distancing if changing ends of the court.

Coach Conferences

  • Limit the number of individuals in a conference and/or huddle to those who must be in close proximity for these discussions. It is encouraged that coaches wear a mask.

Social Distancing

  • Warm-ups/Stretching – Maintain social distance between athletes.
  • Congregating of Athletes and/or Coaches – Discourage congregating upon arrival to the venue, prior to practice, match or meet.
  • Elimination of Handshakes – Teams may find other respectful ways to acknowledge each other before or after a competition, while maintaining social distancing.
  • Seating capacity/configuration – Teams, spectators, media, medical, event personnel. Consider tape or paint as a guide, communicate in advance and create signage.


  • Coaches are strongly encouraged to wear masks at all times, especially when unable to maintain social distancing.
  • Communicate your guidelines in a clear manner to students and parents. Athlete safety is paramount.
  • Communicate expectations regarding minimizing the spread of the virus and the habits that will contribute.
  • Remind players to use hand sanitizer when prior to going on the competition field and after returning to the sideline
  • Follow the CDC guidelines for cleaning and disinfecting the competition venue.

WIAA Spring Sports Safety Recommendations 

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David Keech
Author: David Keech

David Keech is a retired teacher and works as a sportswriter, sports official and as an educational consultant. He has reported on amateur sports since 2011, known as 'KeechDaVoice.' David can be reached at [email protected]