WIAA Postpones Decision on Spring Sports Season


Board Cancels Annual Meeting

STEVENS POINT, Wis. – The Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association Board of Control voted to cancel the 2020 Annual Meeting scheduled for April 22 and to delay making a determination on the continuation or cancellation of the spring sports seasons and tournaments at a special meeting Thursday.

The decision is in response to the concern and efforts to prevent and control the spread of the infectious disease COVID-19.

The amendments to the membership’s Constitution, Bylaws and Rules of Eligibility advanced to the Annual Meeting for a membership vote will be tabled and addressed at the Annual Meeting in April of 2021. The WIAA’s Financial Report and discussion of Old and New Business will be conducted at the 2020 Area Meetings in the fall.

Given the directives of Governor Tony Evers and the Department of Health Services, and after lengthy discussion, the Board decided to postpone any decision to cancel the spring sports seasons and the spring State Tournament Series until a later date.

This position is consistent with the current state and local guidelines, as well as advice from the Sports Medical Advisory Committee. A clearer position may unfold as developments arise and new information becomes available. The WIAA will continue to follow the directives and guidance of state health and governmental officials pertaining to the outbreak.

The Board received an update on the latest developments of the COVID-19 pandemic from Dr. Kevin Walter, who is the Director of Pediatric and Adolescent Sports Medicine at Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin & associate professor at Wisconsin Medical College, as well as the chair of the Sports Medical Advisory Committee. Mike Thompson of the Department of Public Instruction and Nathan DeLany of the Wisconsin Athletic Directors Association also provided reports related to developments associated with the virus.

In other schedule-related actions, the Board resolved to maintain the general election schedule for Advisory Council and Board of Control positions as outlined in the Constitution, including the published deadlines for returning ballots. In addition, the Board also took no action on deciding whether to conduct the 2020 Scholar-Athlete Banquet at this time. The banquet is scheduled for Sunday, May 3.

The Board discussed bringing closure to the 2020 winter seasons as result of the cancellations of the Boys and Girls State Basketball Tournament Series. It determined how teams and athletes will be recognized in accordance with their advancement to the various levels of the tournaments.

The Board also voted to authorize the WIAA Executive Director to access the WIAA financial reserves to navigate through the remainder of the 2019-20 fiscal year.

The membership of the WIAA oversees interscholastic athletic programs for 513 senior high schools and 46 junior high/middle level schools in its membership. It sponsors 27 championship tournament series for boys and girls in 2019-20. For more information, please contact the WIAA office at (715) 344-8580.


News Desk
Author: News Desk

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