Wildwood Zoo Announces Death of “Smokey” the Wolf

smokey the wolf
Smokey, submitted photo

MARSHFIELD, WI (OnFocus) – The City of Marshfield Parks & Recreation Department regretfully announces the passing of Smokey, one of the male timber wolves, at the Wildwood Zoo. At the time of his death, he was almost 12 years old and considered a senior wolf.

The Athens Vet staff performed a necropsy to determine the cause of death. Preliminary findings indicate that Smokey experienced a heart attack from natural causes, but further lab work is being completed to confirm the initial diagnosis. He had lived here at Wildwood Zoo since October 2015, when he was transferred from the Wild World of Animals in Pennsylvania. He arrived with his two siblings (Malakai and Luna), who continue to call Wildwood Zoo home. The other wolves are adjusting well but will continue to be closely monitored by our staff.

Smokey was a favorite of visitors with his beautiful coloring and silly antics and was often the first to howl back to sirens. He will be greatly missed.

As always, the Parks and Recreation staff appreciates your continued support of Wildwood Park and Zoo.

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News Desk
Author: News Desk

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