Wildwood Zoo Cougars Get Annual Checkup

wildwood zoo cougars checkup
Photo courtesy Wildwood Zoo: https://www.facebook.com/wildwoodzoo

MARSHFIELD, WI (OnFocus) – Wildwood Zoo cougars Star and Thunder received their annual physicals recently. According to a zoo statement, both cougars were immobilized and given a complete wellness exam; including x-rays, blood work, nails trimmed, urine samples, and complete physicals.

“While both cougars are physically in excellent shape and remain active, some age-related abnormalities appeared,” they noted.

Thunder is showing increased signs of arthritis in his front joints that can cause him walk with a limp or the leg to occasionally shake. When their blood work was examined, abnormal results indicated the beginning stages of renal disease, a common ailment of both wild and domestic felids due to their high protein diet. All zoos and wildlife havens deal with kidney disease in all wild felines. At fourteen, both Star and Thunder are considered senior cats.

“Our local veterinarian is working closely with the Wisconsin vet school zoological veterinarians to delay clinical kidney failure,” the zoo statement said. “At the recommendation of veterinarians, the diets of both cougars have been adjusted to add in additional sources of fats (lard and fish oil) to both aid in mobility and take some of the strain off the kidneys. Pain medication and a phosphate binder have been added to keep the cats as comfortable as we can.”

The plan is to recheck the two’s bloodwork in 6 months and further adjust their medication and diets as recommended.

“Unfortunately, while this disease cannot be cured, the aim is to keep Star and Thunder as healthy and active for as long as possible!” they said.

The zoo also expressed a huge thank you to the wonderful staff at Athens Veterinary Service and UW Madison, as well as their own zookeepers for taking such incredible care of the animals.

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