Wildwood Zoo Welcome Center to Include Hands-On Display about Electricity

Marshfield Utilities

Marshfield, WI (OnFocus) Visitors to the upcoming Wildwood Zoo Welcome Center will have the chance to learn more about electricity, courtesy of a display by Marshfield Utilities.

“We are very excited for the opportunity to provide an interactive display that will highlight the essential services, both electric and water, that we provide our customers in our community,” said Cathy Lotzer, Technical Services Manager.

Plans for the hands-on exhibit include demonstrating how electricity is produced and then distributed to communities, plus the dangers associated with it. Participants will be able to maneuver a drilling rig to light up power plant smoke stacks, move solar panels to follow the sun, and turn on wind turbines to increase lighting in town.

A tree fallen into a power line will demonstrate what happens during storms and provide info on how to be safe around electricity.

The display is being constructed by Boss Display, the same company who is designing a similar educational exhibit for the Welcome Center about water and how it gets to the tap.

“Working with the Parks & Recreation Department on these projects has been wonderful. Both of us had similar goals in providing educational experiences that will enhance understanding and provide enjoyment,” Lotzer said.

Marshfield Utilities participated in discussions for the water exhibit on behalf of Groundwater Guardians and contributed toward the project cost.

During those discussion, General Manager Nicolas Kumm thought of the idea to bring in a smaller display that would educate the public about their electricity. The project is being funded through the Commission and additional funding will be provided by the Economic Development Board, dependent on budget approval.

The cougar exhibit and Welcome Center is currently scheduled to open October 11.

Zoo Welcome Center to Include Water Education Exhibit

Cougar Exhibit and Welcome Center to Begin Construction

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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