Wildwood Zoo Welcomes New Owl

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Wildwood Park and Zoo Welcomes “Sassafras,” the Newest Feathered Resident

MARSHFIELD, WI (OnFocus) – Wildwood Park and Zoo announced a captivating addition to the family. “Sassafras” is a four-year-old Great Horned Owl who has found a new home at the zoo.

Sassy’s journey to Wildwood began in 2019 when she was admitted to the rehabilitation center as a fledgling with a wing fracture. Despite the dedicated efforts of wildlife rehabilitators, her injury proved non-releasable due to complications in the healing process, leaving her unable to fly. Furthermore, Sassy, at her tender age, became habituated to human interaction.

Hailing from the Talon Trust in Evansville, Indiana, Sassafras served as an avian ambassador, educating thousands about the fascinating world of owls.

Wildwood Zoo extended a heartfelt thank you to Katrina, a former Wildwood Zoo employee, who facilitated Sassy’s journey to Wisconsin as her co-pilot. Sassy has seamlessly integrated into the zoo family and has been introduced to Harry, resident male Great Horned Owl. Not only have they been co-existing harmoniously, but Sassy’s distinct dark plumage and larger size make her easily distinguishable from Harry.

Wildwood staff also extends gratitude to the Talon Trust for entrusting Sassafras into their care and for their invaluable assistance in her transfer.

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