Winning Grade School Artists Honored During Drinking Water Week

Protect the Source Art Contest Winners

Marshfield Utilities Hosts Art Contest for Drinking Water Week

In celebration of Drinking Water Week (which was celebrated last week, May 8-12), Marshfield Utilities (MU) held an art contest for local grade school students in a public, private, or homeschool whose residence is on MU’s water or electric service.

The theme for the contest was “Protect the Source” and students could submit any two-dimensional painting, drawing, or photograph that they created.

“This was our second year running the contest and we had a total of 28 students enter the contest,” said Melissa Barnes, MU Human Resources Manager. “We had a panel of judges from within MU who voted on a winner for each grade and one ‘Best In Show.’ This is always a hard process because the students get so creative and we wish everyone could be selected!”

Artists selected for each grade receive a $20 MACCI gift certificate and the one “Best In Show” artist receives a $50 MACCI gift certificate. The Best In Show piece will also be submitted to American Water Works Association for their contest.

“The voting was very tight in a couple of the grades so we also have a few honorable mentions that receive $10 MACCI gift certificates,” said Barnes.

With water as a necessity and, in Marshfield’s case, a limited resource, if everyone makes small efforts to “Protect our Source,” it can make a significant impact.

“This means not leaving the water run while brushing teeth; taking shorter showers; watering lawns only when needed instead of leaving a timer on; properly disposing of products such as old medicine, motor oil, garbage, and chemicals; using car washes that recycle water, and the list goes on,” said Barnes. “These are not difficult things to do, they just take people being aware and mindful.”

Barnes hopes the contest helps students learn the value of protecting water sources both locally and worldwide.

“Every person can play a part in protecting our environment and in Marshfield’s case, our important water source,” said Barnes. “Some things are obvious, such as not throwing garbage in nature, but other items are not as well known. A perfect example is how to recycle old medicine properly. It used to be that we were told to flush old medicine, but this is not good as it ends up impacting our groundwater. Thanks to local efforts, we finally are getting that message more widely understood.”

News Desk
Author: News Desk