Wisconsin Among 32 Other States to Finalize Settlement with JUUL Labs

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WAUSAU, WI (OnFocus) – Wisconsin and 32 other states and U.S. territories recently finalized a $435 million settlement with JUUL Labs. The settlement was the result of an investigation aimed at holding JUUL Labs – the dominant brand of e-cigarettes since entering the market in 2015 – accountable for marketing and sales practices that targeted youth. Wisconsin’s JUUL settlement funds will be used for electronic nicotine delivery system prevention and cessation efforts for people up to age 24.

The investigation found that JUUL Labs utilized marketing tactics such as advertisements using young models, social media platforms, and having free samples available at events. Additionally, JUUL sold products in flavors that appealed to youth and used packaging that implied lower levels of nicotine than what was in the product.

  • Within terms of the settlement, JUUL Labs is not to engage in the following marketing practices:
    • Depicting persons under the age of 35 in any marketing
    • Use of cartoons
    • Social media advertising (other than testimonials by individuals over the age of 35, with no health claims)
    • Use of paid influencers
    • Representations about nicotine not approved by the FDA
    • Free samples

Wisconsin’s allocated share of the $435 million settlement is approximately $14.7 million that will be paid out over a period of 6 to 10 years.

JUUL settlement dollars are not a replacement for general purpose revenue (GPR) funding for tobacco control and prevention. Currently, Wisconsin spends only one tenth of the dollar amount recommended by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention on tobacco control and prevention.

For more on tobacco prevention and control efforts in Central Wisconsin, community members are encouraged to visit the Nicotine Prevention Alliance of Central Wisconsin website at http://centralwinicotinefree.org/.

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News Desk
Author: News Desk

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