Wisconsin Moves to Level 1 Emergency Response

state emergency coronavirus

The Wisconsin State Emergency Operations Center (SEOC) has moved to a Level 1 in response. This is the first time the State has taken these measures in reaction to a health-related incident.

A Level 1 response aims to help improve coordination by bringing all state agencies together in a central location. According to the Wisconsin Department of Military Affairs website, Level 1 is a full activation of the State EOC with WEM, DMA, DHS (Dept. of Health Services), DNR, DOT Highways, State Patrol, DATCP, and DOC having representatives in the EOC.

Other state agencies and volunteer organizations can be asked to send representatives to the EOC depending on the nature of the event and the need for additional support to local jurisdictions.

This action aligns with Gov. Tony Evers and the Wisconsin Department of Health Services response to the COVID-19 outbreak.

Per State Statute, the governor “may issue an executive order declaring a state of emergency for the state or any portion of the state if he or she determines that an emergency resulting from a disaster or the imminent threat of a disaster exists.

If the governor determines that a public health emergency exists, he or she may issue an executive order declaring a state of emergency related to public health for the state or any portion of the state and may designate the department of health services as the lead state agency to respond to that emergency.

If the governor determines that the emergency is related to computer or telecommunication systems, he or she may designate the department of administration as the lead agency to respond to that emergency. A state of emergency shall not exceed 60 days, unless the state of emergency is extended by joint resolution of the legislature. A copy of the executive order shall be filed with the secretary of state.

The executive order may be revoked at the discretion of either the governor by executive order or the legislature by joint resolution (323.10).”

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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