Wisconsin Natural Resources Board Selects 2021 Officers

Photo Courtesy of the Wisconsin DNR Facebook Page.

Dr. Frederick Prehn Remains Chair

Submitted to OnFocus – MADISON, Wis. – The Wisconsin Natural Resources Board selected officers for 2021 calendar year during the Jan. 27 meeting.

Dr. Frederick Prehn, a dentist and cranberry grower from Wausau, was selected as chair of the board for the third year. Prehn was appointed by Gov. Scott Walker in May 2015. His term expires May 2021.

“It’s been a pleasure the last few years. I’ll continue to do the best that I can as long as I serve on this board. We have been through some rough territory and I have a feeling that there’s rougher territory even ahead,” Dr. Prehn said. “I appreciate the board’s support and I’ll continue to do the best job I can.”

In addition to his dental practice, Prehn is a member of Cranberry Growers Cooperative which represents 35 growers selling cranberry products in 23 countries. He introduced wind and solar energy on a large scale to the cranberry industry and runs two large wind generators and solar array on his farm.

He also served on the Wisconsin Cranberry Board that funds research, education, and promotion of Wisconsin cranberries. Prehn is an avid outdoorsman and has held Wisconsin hunting and fishing licenses for over 48 years. He is an active member of many conservation groups such as Whitetails Unlimited, Wisconsin Waterfowl Association, and Ducks Unlimited.

Greg Kazmierski, president and owner of Buck Rub Outfitters Ltd. in Pewaukee was again reelected vice-chair; his term runs through May 2023. Bill Smith, former DNR deputy secretary and retired DNR natural resources manager, was selected board secretary; his term expires May 1, 2025. was elected. Julie Anderson was the previous board secretary; her term runs through May 2021.

The Wisconsin Natural Resources Board sets policy for the Department of Natural Resources; state law delineates the formal duties of the seven-member board. Board members are appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the state senate. Three members each must be selected from the northern and southern portions of Wisconsin and one member serves at large. Terms expire on May 1.

More information about board members, including bios, as well as board meeting dates, locations, agendas and meeting minutes can be found here.

News Desk
Author: News Desk