Wisconsin Rapids Community: Reminder to Lock Your Vehicles to Prevent Thefts and Break-ins

Stock Image of Wisconsin Rapids Police Department
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WISCONSIN RAPIDS, WI (OnFocus) – The Wisconsin Rapids Police Department urges all residents to lock their vehicles and take precautions to prevent thefts and break-ins. In recent days, there have been several incidents of valuable items being stolen from vehicles, and a few cases of vehicles being stolen altogether.

To help ensure the safety of your belongings and the security of your vehicle, please remember the following tips:

  • Always lock your vehicle doors, even if you’re stepping away for just a moment. Thieves can strike in seconds.
  • Avoid leaving valuable items in plain sight. If you must store items in your vehicle, secure them in the trunk or cover them with a blanket to deter potential thieves.
  • Park your vehicle in well-lit areas and, if possible, in a locked garage. This can significantly reduce the risk of theft.
  • Consider installing home security cameras.

By taking these simple steps, you can greatly reduce the chances of becoming a victim of vehicle theft or break-ins.

Please share this important message with your friends and family to spread awareness and help prevent future incidents. Stay vigilant and stay safe!

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News Desk
Author: News Desk

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