Wisconsin Rapids Fire Department performs night time water rescue training

Courtesy of the Wisconsin Rapids Fire Department Facebook Page.
OnFocus – Wednesday night, the Wisconsin Rapids Fire Department’s Crew 2 worked in conjunction with the Port Edwards Volunteer Fire Department and the Wood County Sheriff’s Department in a water rescue training night drill.
The crew’s scenarios were to rescue victims who fell in the river. The department worked with PFVFD boat personnel on the techniques used to pull victims into the rescue boat. They also used a backup rescue boat in the procedure. The crew had maps made up showing hazards and travel paths to help both departments navigate the river.
The department placed a “victim” on an island and Lieutenant Sager who is the Drone Operator for the Sheriff’s Department showed how the drone could help in locating a victim(s) with its thermal imaging capability. The drone also has add-on accessories like a light and speaker, which will help in certain situations.
The darkness was a factor when comparing that rescue training to past trainings.  “We would like to say “thank you” to our friends at the Port Edwards Volunteer Fire Department and the Wood County Sheriff’s Department,” a post from the department said. “[It was] a great night of training!”
News Desk
Author: News Desk