Wisconsin Rapids’ Lincoln High School Bomb Threat Cleared


Lincoln High School in Wisconsin Rapids has been deemed safe by law enforcement officials after a bomb threat evacuation this morning. Read the statement from the school below:

To LHS Parents, Guardians, and Students,

Around 9:00 a.m. this morning students reported to Lincoln High School Administration that they observed a possible bomb threat directed at Lincoln High School on November 6th. An immediate investigation was started, the Wisconsin Rapids Police Department was contacted, and all students and staff were evacuated for their safety.

Upon investigation by law enforcement and school administration, an individual potentially responsible for the bomb threat today was identified and upon questioning, this individual did admit to issuing the threat. Additional investigation by law enforcement led them to ascertain that the individual did not have the means to carry out the threat. A sweep of Lincoln High School was conducted by Wisconsin Rapids Police Department, Wood County Sheriff’s Department, and Grand Rapids Police Department. Assisting with the investigation along with the Wisconsin Rapids Police Department, was the Wood County Sheriff’s Department and Nekoosa Police Department. Students and staff are safe and in the process of returning to classrooms to resume normal activities.

The individual who allegedly made the threat has school and legal consequences pending. Based on current information, we believe that there is no credible threat to our students, staff, or building. This is a serious matter which is not taken lightly by the administration or police.

School safety is our utmost priority, which is why our school district’s working relationship with local law enforcement is so important. Keep in mind that any threat or alleged threat should be shared as soon as possible with administration, teachers, or local police so that it can be investigated fully. Information can be shared directly or anonymously through Wood County Crime Stoppers at 1-877-325-STOP (7867) or through our local school district STOPIT app.

We greatly appreciate everyone’s cooperation.


Ronald A. Rasmussen
Lincoln High School Principal

News Desk
Author: News Desk