Wisconsin Rapids throttles Wausau East


Wisconsin Rapids (OnFocus) – Wisconsin Rapids took a 20-0 lead into half and coasted in the second half to pick up a 41-6 WVC win over Wausau East.

Quarterback Preston Spray scored from 15 yards to put Rapids on the board. Erik Haupt scored on a 65 yard gallop followed by a 3 yard run from Leo Brostowitz to give Rapids their halftime cushion.

Brostowitz added another 3 yard run in the third quarter for Rapids. He finished with 112 yards rushing on 16 carries to lead Rapids.

Week 4 Football Scoreboard

Caden Sengbusch completed 4 of 6 passes for 30 yards. Dylan Lisitza caught 4 passes for 30 yards.

Peter Rucker led Rapids with 5 solo tackles.

The Red Raiders rushed for 411 yards.

1 2 3 4 F
Wausau East 0 0 6 0 6
Wisconsin Rapids Lincoln 0 20 14 7 41
First Quarter LHS WEHS
Second Quarter LHS WEHS
TD Preston Spray 15 Yd Run (Mac Lucas Kick) 7 0
TD Erik Haupt 65 Yd Run (Mac Lucas Kick) 14 0
TD Leo Brostowitz 3 Yd Run (Mac Lucas Kick No Good) 20 0
Third Quarter LHS WEHS
TD Leo Brostowitz 3 Yd Run (Mac Lucas Kick) 27 0
TD 63 Yd Run (Failed Two-Point Conversion) 27 6
TD Max Poters 20 Yd Run (Mac Lucas Kick) 34 6
Fourth Quarter LHS WEHS
TD 4 Yd Run (Mac Lucas Kick) 41 6
Rushing Att Yds TD Long Fum
#8 L. Brostowitz 16 112 2
#24 E. Haupt 5 86 1 65
#7 P. Spray 6 78 1 27 2
#12 T. Lucas 4 40 41 1
#10 C. Sengbusch 2 26 20
#11 M. Poters 4 20 1 20
#5 T. Drexler 1 1 1
#14 C. Bubolz 1 -2
Rest of team 10 50 1 20


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David Keech
Author: David Keech

David Keech is a retired teacher and works as a sportswriter, sports official and as an educational consultant. He has reported on amateur sports since 2011, known as 'KeechDaVoice.' David can be reached at keechertheteacher@gmail.com