Wood County Board to Hold October Meeting in Evening in Attempt to Encourage Public Attendance

Supervisor Donna Rozar speaks in favor of a resolution to change the time of the October meeting of the Wood County Board of Supervisors

The Wood County Board of Supervisors voted Tuesday to hold their October meeting in the evening as a trial to see if they can get more public participation.

Currently, the Wood County Board holds their meetings on the third Tuesday of each month at 9:30 AM at the Wood County Courthouse in Wisconsin Rapids.

“There’s been a lot of discussion about evening meetings. I’ve been on this board for several years and we’ve attempted to have evening meetings with exactly what this resolution says – to increase participation,” said Board Vice Chair Donna Rozar of Marshfield. “I’m always glad to see if it works.”

“The City Councilman that sit here on this county board can tell you about participation in evening meetings at the city level, and I’m not sure it makes any difference,” said Rozar. “I’d like to see a big difference, so if you know people that are interested in coming to our county board meeting we need to spread the word that we’re going to have this opportunity on this day for people to come to the county board.”

There was a motion to change the meeting time from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM by Supervisor Bill Clendening of Grand Rapids. That motion passed on a voice vote.

There were concerns raised both about other meetings that occur on Tuesday nights along with individuals that cannot drive at night.

“I do have trouble driving at night and I’m sure there are older people that do too,” said Supervisor Robert Ashbeck of Milladore. “I wouldn’t be able to attend a night meeting. the fact is, I’d rather be safe at home than getting in trouble on the roads.”

The resolution was adopted 14-3 with Supervisors Allen Breu, Ashbeck, and Jake Hahn voting no. Supervisors Bill Winch and Jason Zaleski were absent.

The October County Board meeting will be held at 7:00 PM on October 15th at the Wood County Courthouse in Wisconsin Rapids. The next meeting of the County Board is April 16th at 9:30 AM

Steven Okonek
Author: Steven Okonek