Wood County Deputies Administer Life-Saving Narcan


At approximately 1:15 AM on May 7, 2020 Deputies Derek Phillippi and Justus Arendt responded to an address in the Town of Rudolph for an unresponsive male. When they arrived the deputies evaluated the man and started life-saving measures.

Phillippi and Arendt administered two doses of Narcan, and brought this man back to consciousness, therefore saving his life.

Used in the treatment of opioid emergencies such as an overdose, NARCAN is a fast-acting medication that blocks receptors long enough for an opiate to metabolize in a person’s body. It lasts time-dependent on which opiate is in the system, and a second dose can be administered if needed.

Wood County Deputies are trained in and carry Narcan while on-duty, as are Marshfield Police Department officers. Last month, Marshfield Police responded to an overdose situation and revived the unresponsive male with Narcan. (Learn more about why officers carry Narcan, here.)

RELATED: https://www.onfocus.news/law-enforcement-officers-now-carry-life-saving-medication/


News Desk
Author: News Desk

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