Wood County Dispatch – Arpin Shooting Incident 6-11-19


Condensed Wood County Dispatch transmissions from 8:07-10 p.m. on Tuesday, June 11, 2019, regarding the incident of an officer-related shooting in Arpin. Responders had additional means of communications.

Latest info: One Dead in Officer-Related Shooting.

Transmissions (Listen to audio for full log)

Two ambulances requested

8070 State Highway 186 in Arpin

One officer down, needs ambulance

2 patients, one is deputy with right arm injury, another subject injured.

Tourniquet applied to deputy

Officer advised to request an aircraft from Life Link

Need Rapids or Marshfield, whoever is closer.

Front door standby

With subject performing CPR

Subject was suicidal, gunshots fired. Deputy is down. CPR being performed on other subject. County asks for assistance from Life Link

Life Link landing zone set up at ballpark in Arpin

Two helicopters en route.

Marshfield responders asking if assistance needed

Second helicopter can land at residence. Crews at both landing locations.

Pittsville ambulance notified Life Link is 5 minutes out. Spirit is 20 minutes out.

DCI is en route. Arranged security for transport from Marshfield Police Department.

Rapids working on identifying everyone within perimeter.

Life Link experiencing mechanical issues. Spirit will arrive first in 20 minutes. Contacting Aspirus in Wausau for 2nd helicopter.

Aspirus is coming in, 15 out to ball field.

Unknown which hospital the deputy will go to

Assistance needed at ball park

Arpin fire engine en route to ball field to set up second landing zone.

Spirit 1 is on scene.

Officer transported with Spirit 1 to Marshfield Medical Center

Pittsville units, Arpin first responders to return to Arpin station to start documentation process.

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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