Wood County District 2 Candidates


Election Primaries Held On Tuesday

In the 2018 Spring elections there is a primary for the District 2 Wood County Supervisor Seat. Donna Rozar has held the seat for a number of years. On Tuesday, she will face off in a primary with Rich Gaertner and Tony Eilers. The two candidates with the most votes will move on and run for election on April 3rd. Along with WDLB and Hub City Times, we sat down with the candidates to talk about the issues that matter most to the citizens in District 2 and the Marshfield Area. Watch their interviews below and here is a list of our questions:

Why are you running for the office of Wood County Supervisor?

What is your experience that qualifies you to run for this office?

How have you personally served the Wood County community?

What committees are you interested in serving on?

What are your immediate priorities in your (next) 2 year term?

How do you see communicating progress with the citizens you’re representing?

What are you willing to do to foster a better relationship with Wood County and the northern Municipalities?

Many feel that the drug court is an essential tool in combating the drug epidemic, currently the city of Marshfield pays for the local staff, while the county pays for the staffing in Wisconsin Rapids. Do you believe that the county should be funding this program in both locations and if so how do you accomplish this?

Recently, there have been new developments at Powers Bluff, are you in support of the development project, why or why not?

Highway Infrastructure is an important piece of economic development, how do you see the county funding highway improvement projects in the future?

What role should have county have in the Central Wisconsin State Fair?

Would advocate for any county departments or staff working in Marshfield such as Circuit Court Staff?


Special Thanks to the Staff and Cable Committee of Marshfield Area Public Access (MCTV) for arranging the 2018 Spring Election Coverage.

News Desk
Author: News Desk