Marshfield (OnFocus) – Area restaurants with health department inspections for the month of September:
- Pair-A-Dice, 6313 Wood County N: Sept. 30: Two violations: Ice machine needs to be cleaned frequently; carpeting installed in back pizza storage area.
- Bey’s Bar, 305 N. Central Ave.: Sept. 30: One violation: No hand-washing sign at employee hand-washing sink (corrected during inspection).
- Central Cafe, 1209 S. Central Ave.: Sept. 30: Nine violations: Ready-to-eat spinach stored below raw eggs in cooler; sausage not held at proper temperature; person in charge unable to show knowledge regarding employee illness signs and reporting requirements; potentially hazardous foods not stored under temperature control; no consumer advisory provided or asterisks on foods that are not served undercooked; sausage and chicken in walk-in cooler unwrapped or uncovered; food items stored on floor in walk-in freezer; food residue and other debris on non-food contact surfaces of walk-in cooler; hand-washing sink not in good repair.
- Crabby Dave’s, 501 S. Central Ave.: Sept. 10: Four violations: Thermometer in walk-in cooler not easily readable; hand-washing faucet not in good repair; walk-in cooler door has residue built up on exterior and handle; light in walk-in cooler not sufficient.
- The Daily Grind, 236 S. Central Ave.: Sept. 17: Three violations: Fish improperly thawed; counter by dish machine not smooth and easily cleanable; kitchen floor starting to chip and not easily cleanable.
- Domino’s Pizza, 122 S. Central Ave.: Sept. 17: Two violations: Test kit not available for testing sanitizer; floor and wall juncture by sink not covered.
- Hotel Marshfield’s Libby McNeill’s, 2700 S. Central Ave.: Sept. 23: One violation: Several items exceeded date marks or not provided date marks.
- Scotty’s Pizza, 100 S. Chestnut Ave.: Sept. 16: Six violations: Potato salad and coleslaw in reach-in cooler not provided with date marks; pizza cutters used with potentially hazardous food not cleaned after four hours; can opener dirty; food in reach-in cooler and freezer unwrapped or uncovered; cutting or piercing part on can opener dull; non-food contact surfaces of cooler handles and cooking equipment soiled.
No Violations
- Country Aire Camping Resort, State 173 S.: Sept. 8: No violations.
- Goodfella’s Pub, 131 S. Central Ave: Sept. 10: No violations.
- Quality Inn Marshfield, 114 E. Upham St.: Sept. 10: No violations.
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