Wood County K9 Wins at State Conference

Photo courtesy Wood County Sheriff FB

WOOD COUNTY, WI (OnFocus) – Last week, Wood County Sheriff’s Department K-9 teams took part in their yearly working conference which was held in the Madison area.

More than 150 K-9 teams attended this year’s conference. Within the conference is a patrol and narcotic challenge which challenge the teams in locating subjects and narcotics with several distractions present inside a building.

The constant hard work and dedication to training showed this year. Sergeant Brandon Christianson and K-9 Ace came out on top for the patrol challenge locating a hidden person in the fastest time, and also tied for second locating multiple narcotics in the least amount of time.

“Ace sure is a good boy!!!” Wood County Sheriff shared on social media. “Congratulations Sgt. Brandon Christianson and K9 Ace!”

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