Wood County Parents Charged with Death of Newborn Child


The Wood County Sheriff’s Department has taken two individuals into custody for initial charges of child neglect which caused the death of their newborn child.

According to a release, on April 6 at 10:11 a.m., Marshfield Medical Center (MMC) notified the sheriff’s department of a possible missing newborn child. Wood County deputies and Marshfield Police Department located a vehicle in the MMC parking lot belonging to the 19 year-old male suspect.

Officers located the male newborn child wrapped in a bath towel inside a tied plastic garbage bag in the rear portion of the vehicle, and had been left in this condition for three hours before discovery.

The child was rushed to the emergency department and was temporarily revived, but succumbed to injuries and was pronounced deceased.

Deputies learned that in the early morning hours April 6, a 22 year-old woman had given birth to the child at a private residence in the Village of Milladore. The child was not taken to a medical facility for treatment or care of his injuries.

A charge of homicide will be requested against the mother.

The Sheriff’s Department was assisted by Marshfield police, Wood County Human Services, and the Wood County Coroner’s Office and will continue to work with the Wisconsin Department of Justice – Division of Criminal Investigations, Wisconsin State Patrol Technical Reconstruction Unit, and the University of Wisconsin’s Forensic Pathology Unit.

The investigation is ongoing.


Mother Charged with Homicide of Newborn Was Seeking Medical Treatment


News Desk
Author: News Desk

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