Wood County Sheriff Looking for Information Regarding Catalytic Converter Theft


OnFocus – After a string of catalytic converter thefts in the Marshfield area, the Wood County Sheriff’s Department has footage of a vehicle that is linked to a theft.

Investigator Sergeant Scott Goldberg said the theft took place on May 15 at around noon. The video shows the car approaching the business and heading through the parking lot before making its way behind a building and out of sight of any surveillance.

The sheriff’s department is looking for help with identifying the driver of the silver car seen in the video. The car appears to have tinted windows and a spoiler on the back.

In total, four converters were stolen and the value is estimated to be around $5,500 according to Goldberg.

The value in the converters are in the parts inside which can be sold and scrapped. Goldberg said hybrid vehicles and heavy trucks are the vehicles that are most commonly targeted.

Goldberg recommended that people in the Marshfield area either park their vehicles in a safe place like a garage or have surveillance options to try to deter thieves.

You can view the full video at the WCS Facebook page.

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Author: News Desk