Wood County Sheriff’s Department Participates in ‘Drive Sober’ Campaign


The Wood County Sheriff’s Department is joining agencies across Wisconsin to discourage drunk driving for the “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” campaign, taking place August 16 until Labor Day.

“These high-visibility law enforcement efforts are intended to discourage motorists from engaging in dangerous driving behaviors that endanger everyone,” said Lt. Kalvin Dorshorst.

Alcohol-related crashes resulted in 159 deaths and nearly 3,300 injuries last year in Wisconsin.

Nearly 5,000 Wisconsin police officers are trained in Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement (ARIDE) to detect and remove impaired drivers from the roadways. There are also 301 highly-trained Drug Recognition Experts, one of the highest in the nation.

Citizens can do their part to prevent drunk driving by never allowing someone to get behind the wheel impaired and finding impaired drivers safe alternatives to head home. Impaired drivers can be reported by calling 911 and providing as many details as possible on the driver, vehicle, and location.

“We do all we can to keep our roads and communities safe as possible, but we need cooperation from motorists and citizens,” Lt. Dorshorst said.


News Desk
Author: News Desk

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