photos provided by Shawn Becker
The Wood County Sheriff’s Department will once again brave the icy Wisconsin River for charity on February 2.

This will be the 6th year the department has participated in the Polar Plunge. It has raised almost $25,000 for Special Olympics of Wisconsin, last year raising over $10,000. Six team members are currently raising funds, including Sheriff Shawn Becker.
“The last two years, my daughter Jordan talked me into doing the Super Plunge (plunging five times). You can do this if you raise more than $1000 on your own,” said Becker. “Well let me tell you, it’s not a reward to plunge five times in a row! But it’s worth the cause.
“Last year I remember I wanted to stop after the third plunge, but the crowd was really into it, cheering us on,” he added. “Without that motivation, I don’t think I could have done it. I’ve been asked to do it again this year, and I haven’t made up my mind yet – I’m thinking once is enough!”
Over the years, Becker has gotten to know lots of athletes and their parents. Two of them, Cole Cleworth and Allison Alft, will be taking the plunge alongside the sheriff’s team.
Other Special Olympics benefit events the department has participated in include Cop on Rooftop, Torch Run, and Cops Gone Wild.
Support the sheriff’s team by visiting at this link, or contacting the department at 715-421-8705. Plunging will take place at about noon on Saturday, February 2 in front of Anchor Bay.