Wood County To Host Ag and Household Clean Sweep Event


For OnFocus – Dispose of unwanted, unused, damaged, restricted and banned household, agricultural, chemical, and hazardous wastes at Wood County Clean Sweep’s event on August 29.

Agricultural pre-registration is mandatory for quantities over 200 pounds. Each household can bring up to five gallons of liquid or 50 pounds of solid waste. Materials should be properly identified in their original containers with original labels. Unknown materials can be brought in, but may be refused if the waste hauler cannot dispose of it, or if disposal costs are excessive. Do not mix substances together – doing so can be extremely dangerous. Place containers so they won’t shift or spill. Line the transport area in your vehicle or place chemicals in a plastic bin to contain any spills in case of an accident.

NEW THIS YEAR: Safety Requirements
– All residents must stay in vehicles at all times
– Residents should load all materials in their truck, pickup bed, or trailer
– Materials will not be unloaded from vehicle backseat area

Examples of Acceptable Materials: Automotive: brake fluid, degreasers, ether, old fuel, transmission fluid Lawn, Garden & Farm: fungicides, herbicides, insecticides, rodenticides Household: drain cleaner, dry cleaning fluid, floor polish, metal cleaners, mildew cleaner, moth balls, nail polish remover, NiCad batteries, oven cleaner, photography chemicals, pool chemicals, silver polish, spot remover Workshop: creosote, gun cleaning fluid, hobby materials, lacquer, lead-based paints, stripper, thinner/solvents, turpentine, varnish, wood preservatives

NOT ACCEPTED: latex paint, tires, motor oil, automotive batteries, fluorescent tubes, electronics, appliances, antifreeze, explosives or high pressure cylinders. (Dry out latex paint and dispose of it in the garbage. Recycle used motor oil and anti-freeze.)

The event is being held at the Ag Research Station, 2611 Yellowstone Drive.

QUESTIONS: Wood County Extension at 715-421-8440 or Wood County Health Department at 715-421-8911.

We welcome your stories! Contact us at [email protected]!

Breanna Butler
Author: Breanna Butler

Breanna Butler is an award-winning multimedia producer born and raised in Central Wisconsin. She enjoys exploring and writing about the community. She lives in Marshfield with her husband and furry family.