Wood County Volunteer Fire Departments Respond to Rescue Squad News

courtesy: WCS website

With the recent news that Wood County’s Rescue Squad will no longer be in service, several residents expressed concern about losing important rescue services. Two local volunteer fire departments responded to the news by assuring citizens that although they may be saddened by the news, important services will continue to be provided through their organizations.

Read their responses below:

Richfield Volunteer Fire Department:

With the recent announcement of the shutting down of Wood County Sheriff’s Rescue I feel that some things need to be said because there are a lot of rumors and untrue things being said and posted on Facebook. I am not posting to support one side or the other nor defend or not defend what has taken place but to just make sure the residents of the Town of Richfield truly understand how it affects them and the services they receive.

First off, while this is unfortunate news for the Wood County Sheriff’s Rescue, I want to make sure all the residents of the Town of Richfield are aware the services they receive will not be affected by this announcement. You will continue to receive the same high level of services from the dedicated and highly trained members of Richfield Rural Fire Dept as you have always received for; vehicle accidents where extrication is needed, scene and traffic safety, water rescues and missing person searches. We have the equipment and training to provide these services safely and efficiently.


For anyone in our township or neighboring townships that have family members on the Project LifeSaver program, those services will not be affected. Wood County Sheriff’s Rescue was just one agency who has the training and equipment to locate people when they wander off.
There are some on Facebook trying to make this decision a North Wood County vs South Wood County issue. I think that is false and an unnecessary argument, especially since the County Board member who seconded the motion in the October meeting of the Public Safety Committee to proceed with this decision was from a South Wood County District. It is true that the Wood County Sheriff’s Rescue was not utilized in the Town of Richfield. While it was available to respond to incidents in the Town of Richfield, due to location of it, it doesn’t make sense to have it respond from Wisconsin Rapids when we can request assistance from neighboring fire and ems agencies that can arrive in a fraction of the time, when time is of the essence.

While I understand that members of Wood County Sheriff’s Rescue are frustrated and upset about the decision, I encourage them all to direct that energy to joining a local fire department and continue to use the training and skills they currently have to continue to serve the community through their local fire department.

Yours in safety,
Chief Sabo

Pittsville Fire Company:

To residents of Pittsville Fire and EMS contracted areas – City of Pittsville,
Townships of Sherwood, Cary, Wood, Hansen, Dexter, Hiles, Remington, Arpin, Village of Vesper and Village of Arpin.

Ref: Status of Wood Co Rescue in relationship to Emergency responses.

All of the stories now in circulation on Facebook as well as other media regarding the decision to close down Wood Co Sheriffs Rescue (WCSR) need to be clarified. I can assure you this in NO WAY interferes with any PFD operations in any manner. All of the emergency services that we provide are in no way in jeopardy or is the efficiency of operations at all diminished by the closure of the Sheriffs rescue. I felt it necessary to inform our taxpayers and visitors through out our jurisdiction of this information.

All fire / rescue operations including, Ice, Swift water, confined space, high angle rescue, vehicle rescue, agricultural rescue, search for lost persons, assistance to Wood Co Sheriff to manage scenes as well as Project Life Saver will continue as normal without any interruptions of responses.

Pittsville Fire along with other Fire Departments that have been trained in the Project LifeSaver program are continuing to respond to those patients in need, nor have they ever been in jeopardy because of this ongoing issue.

The majority of our neighboring agencies are “business as usual” – without any interruption or threats of interruption of services. We understand this move was meant to be a cost saving measure by the Sheriffs department. The question of duplication of services may have also been on their mind. The Wood Co Fire Chiefs Association was asked at the October meeting by a representative of the Wood Co Board if the termination of services provided by the Wood County Sheriffs rescue would inhibit or impair our operations. All of the Chiefs present at that meeting stated “cessation of services would not impair our operations”. The majority of fire agencies in this county are also 100% volunteer as are the members of WCSR.

I(f any of our constituents have any questions or concerns please call our department for additional clarification if necessary.

For more information on this issue, click here.

News Desk
Author: News Desk
